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Variable Data Printing

Variable data printing or VDP is a form of digital printing where various sets of content can be used within the same printing cycle. With variable data printing, your organization can further target your audience with personalized content such as memorable images, specific names and unique text.

What Makes Variable Data Printing Unique?

In a typical printing cycle, the design, layout, content, fonts and colors are preset and the printing process produces identical copies. In variable data printing, the content, which may include specific text, images or graphic portions, can be changed as you wish. Variable data printing allows customized printing wherein many aspects of the print material may have some unique content.

Examples of Variable Data Printing Projects

  • Unique letters with specific names and details while the content, design and layout of the entire letter can remain the same. This is especially useful for billing or other automated correspondence.
  • Coupons or discount vouchers are another great way to utilize variable data printing. Coupons and discount vouchers need to include unique numbers and also potentially some specific terms.

Companies stand to benefit in many ways with variable data printing. It allows you to customize your print marketing, to target the specific segment of the audience you want, speeds up the printing process by automating the process despite the need for various versions and it is also cost effective.